Scripture Reading - Romans 13:1,2,7,8 KJV

1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.
8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.

Recently we have been studying “Relationships” among various people. We have looked at “Surface Relationships” for those you only know on a surface level (common general information). We have also reviewed “Ministry Mode” for those people you help as unto the Lord expecting nothing in return. We have also looked at “Business Mode” for those relationships in which it is nothing personal just strictly mutual benefit. We have taught on “Employee Mode” which speaks to benefitting the company as a representative of Christ Jesus for the good will of all people. However, in this lesson we will briefly explain “Authoritative Relationships”. Yes, this could be considered how to work with your boss but it goes much further. In “Authoritative Relationships” we (ihlcc) are speaking about honoring all authority figures in your life. This range goes all the way from the highest ranking position of the government (King, President, Prime Minister, Supreme Ruler, etc..) all the way to your teacher in elementary school. Yes, anyone in a position of authority over you should be treated with the utmost respect. It is sad to see such a prevailing spirit of dishonor in this nation, speaking of America. Being honorable to authority figures is not a big topic of discussion in many of today’s churches because so many Christians believe it is completely justified to speak evil of those in authority when they dislike the person in that position. We (ihlcc) are persuaded by God’s Word to always honor those in authority whether we always agree with their positions or not. Do you not know, “Oh vain man” that all authority is ordained of God and the powers that be are established by God. So when you dishonor the person you disgrace the office of God as stated in verses 1 and 2 of today’s text. The Lord does everything both decently and orderly, so He purposely place people in positions of authority for unity and peace. We (ihlcc) do not believe that every person in authority is righteous according to God’s Word (His Standards) but the solution to that specific problem is found in praying for those who need to be aligned with God according to 1 Timothy 2:1-3. Such hypocrisy exists in Christianity today because many born-again bible believing Christian’s accuse many leaders of not following the Holy Bible when they too are not following God’s Word. Some believe that no sincere republican can support a democrat in a God ordained office and vice-versa some democrats despise many republicans. However, we are Christians in heart forever, not a mere political people for a temporary span on the earth. The moment a Christian choses a political party over choosing to walk in love you are essentially putting your trust in a political party (the world’s system of man’s works) over God’s system of grace and love. If you choose to dislike people based on their politics you are also choosing not to love the world as God loves them according to John 3:16. Thus, all those that judge others are acting foolishly in the eyes of God’s Word. The Word of God teaches to love all and pray for those in authority that we might lead a quiet and peaceable life in 1 Timothy 2:1-3. So where is peace when so many want to condemn the president, the government, the other party, the pastor, the police, the parent and opposing political parties for their positions on certain subjects. Dear saint the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is not of debate of how holy you are but rather a decision to love one another. Tones of anger, outrage and self-righteousness are replaced with genuine love, joy and peace in the Holy Spirit. How can one claim to be a spirit filled Christian if they operate on a low level of love or no love at all? God knows the true disciples of Jesus by the love they show toward others. We (ihlcc) believe a strong part of our love walk is being respectful to anyone in authority. Since the Holy Bible states “Touch not Mine Anointed” and all godly positions of authority carry an anointing to do their work proficiently it is wise to only speak well of those in authority or say nothing publicly evil about them at all. Is it possible to only speak well of someone consistently? We (ihlcc) say, “Yes” because how many people who love our Heavenly Father are speaking evil of Jesus? None! It is hard to imagine a true child of God cursing the Lord Jesus for His kindness shown toward all men but yet many curse the authority figure that is made in the very image of God. Out of the same mouth proceeds blessings and cursing which ought not to be. Therefore bless those “Authoritative Relationships” you have on this earth to help you be prepared for Heaven where this type of goodness shown toward authority figures is The Law. God is the ultimate reflection of Divine Authority and all He asks is for His children to show some willingness and obedience to walk in His Divine Law of Love according to verse 8 of today’s text. This should not be hard because we (all Christians) have the Love of God shed abroad in our heart through the Holy Spirit. Therefore since we are created to honor and love let us show our love for others by honoring the “Authoritative Relationships” we have on this earth as though we are living in heaven. Amen!